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Sunday 16 January 2011

Home made Knuckle Duster from Chopping Board

Chopping Board Plastic Knuckle Duster - A simple plastic four finger knuckle duster / Brass Knuckles made from a plastic chopping board.
The design is that of a simple commonly seen spiked knuckle duster.
Although made from plastic these are still capable of protecting the fingers when punching and will produce more damage than your knuckles alone, they are very light too.
The size is suited to Small to Medium hands/fingers, and will not fit large size hands / fingers.

Features round style finger holes and a curved palm rest and four pyramid style spikes,
Weight is very low due to them being made of plastic,
They do not feature any makers marks.
Overall a below average knuckle duster, looks o.k although they are a little small and I would chose Aluminium or even Perspex ones over these everytime, however they could help in a self defense emergency.

Dimensions - 105mm wide, 80mm high, 8mm thick, Finger holes are 22mm round approx.

Please leave a comment below letting me know what you think! Thanks.

Also Known as - Бокс (оръжие), Puny americà, Boxer (zbraň), Dyrnau haearn, Knojern, Schlagring, Puño de acero, Puño Americano, Altzairuzko ukabila, Nyrkkirauta, Tirapugni, ナックルダスター, Kastete, Kastet, Buku lima, Boksbeugel, Knokejern, Soco-inglês, Кастет, Boksar (orožje), Knogjärn, Muşta, 鐵蓮花, Knuckle dusters, knuckles, home made, handmade, tutorial, how to make, buy, sell, trade, swap, for sale, u.k, england, Brass Knuckles, Brass Knucks, Poing Americain

1 comment:

  1. Nice well done! im currently working on a Aluminium Foundry mould to do a set
