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Tuesday 31 August 2010

Hand Made Knuckle Duster

Ordinary Style Knuckle Duster - an ordinary design knuckle duster  / brass knuckles, very basic / standard design and one of the all time most traditional too. Virtually any brass knuckles you see on t.v or films are usually this design, it is the most common out there, although a common design this is still a very nice knuckle duster and one of the most comfortable to use and widely used due to the fact it has no spikes and can be found almost any where, and from my own personal experience I have noticed most people would rather have a set like these over any others.
The size for this Knuckle Duster is medium hands, but may fit large hands as well, Features oval finger holes and a curved palm rest and round striking surfaces.
Weight is average due it to its thickness and being made of aluminium.
Features no makers marks but was made by the same person who makes most of my other knuckle dusters.
Overall this is one of my favourites and is one of the best traditional design knuckle dusters I own.
I now keep this particular knuckle duster in a display case on the wall near my bed.

Dimensions - 115mm wide, 70mm high, 18mm thick, Finger holes are 26mm wide and 32mm high.

Also Known as - Бокс (оръжие), Puny americà, Boxer (zbraň), Dyrnau haearn, Knojern, Schlagring, Puño de acero, Puño Americano, Altzairuzko ukabila, Nyrkkirauta, Tirapugni, ナックルダスター, Kastete, Kastet, Buku lima, Boksbeugel, Knokejern, Soco-inglês, Кастет,  Boksar (orožje), Knogjärn, Muşta,
鐵蓮花, Knuckle dusters, knuckles, handmade, home made, how to make, howto, for sale, sell, selling, trade, swap, knucks, Brass Knuckles, tutorial, Brass Knucks, Poing Americain.

Please leave a comment letting me know what you think! Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Hello mate,
    Dont suppose you can drop me a template to this . Like a 1:1 scale drawing/blueprint of it .. Thanks.. Been watching elemental52's video
